Miami Valley Cowboys
Presents the SASS 2025 Ohio State Championship
Memorial Day Weekend, May 23 - 25
Hard Times Range
9344 Spiker Road
Piqua, OH
Camping please
contact Boaz 937-533-6025
We usually have a spot or two open up.
All camping must be paid for by May 1st or your will lose your spot
Alternative camping
Poor Farmers RV Park
7211 Lostcreek-Shelby RD
Fletcher, OH 45326
937-368-2449 about 20 mins travel time to range
Side match help
Match Schedule Of Events
We are having a BAM (bolt action military) its
rifle only, range will be from 75 to 100 yards.
We are going to follow BAM match rules which are available from the
SASS Wild Bunch handbook.
Lead bullets only, they may have gas check. Round count will be 9-12 rounds per
To My Shooters (and guests):
Sadly, due to economics, we are going to have to suspend our Friday night steak
This has been something we have managed to pull off for our 21 years as a
championship match.
So we will be adjusting our schedule, Friday evening will now be our potluck
carry-in dinner.
The Miami Valley Cowboys will still sponsor the main protein for the will be delicious. Also, providing the plates, utensils, napkins,
Bring us your best side could win "valuable prizes"...just saying.
Please note we realize many of you while traveling cannot easily bring a dish,
so you may simply make a donation or not...and no one will go away hungry.
Sorry to see this change have to happen but we must adapt. Sincerely, MGM,
Miami Valley Cowboys President.
Side note....and we will still have so much fun and I can't wait to see you all
since I'm typing this!!!! HB
Registration Form Please Fill Out Online, print and mail in.
2025 Ohio State Match
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